Hello everybody!
Let me intoduce myself. Well, as most of you may have guessed, my name is Giota. I come from Thessaloniki, North Greece and I am 26 years old.
I have studied Computer Science for 4 years at the University of Macedonia in Thessaloniki and then I made my master at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki at the Computer Department, with specialization in "ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) in Education".
After graduating, I worked as a computer teacher for 2 years and since 3 years I am working professionally as a web developer. Every day I learn new technics and technologies and Ι am really very excited!
The purpose of this blog was first of all to help me organize the stuff I have collected all this period about web develpment, which in turn may help other people as well. I do really like teaching and transfering my knowlede to other people.
As Vygotsky has said "Knowledge is everywhere", and through this learning community we will have the opportunity to learn from each other!
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