Join Delicious! It is really very important to have all your stuff in one place and get to your bookmarks from any computer, anytime, anywhere.
Bookmark every site that seems to be interesting and useful for you and give it a tag, so that you can find it easier in the future. This way you will be more organized and earn a lot of time, since you will be using the same stuff again and again.
Delicious Bookmarks is the official Firefox add-on for Delicious,which integrates your bookmarks and tags with Firefox and keeps them in sync for easy, convenient access.
Δευτέρα 2 Αυγούστου 2010
add-ons for Firefox
I will present you some useful add-ons for Firefox every web designer/developer must have!
Κυριακή 1 Αυγούστου 2010
phplist templates
Here I will present you the way I create templates using phplist. You can use this way not only in phplist but also in any other situation you use FCKEditor!
***It is supposed that you have already coded your html newsletter! If not, you can read this post about how to code single column html newsletter!
1) First of all you have to check that the"template" button of FCKEditor is enabled. If it's not, you can config the FCKeditor toolbar in the lists/admin/fckphplist.php file. Just search for this piece of code:
and insert the 'Templates', wherever you want. Usually, I paste it next to 'Preview'. You will find the above piece of code in 2 places, so repeat this step twice.
2) Open the fcktemplates.xml file under the fckeditor folder and copy there your html code for the template you created. In another post I will point out some important things you have to take into consideration when creating an html template.
It is not difficult to understand the structure of the fcktemplates.xml file.
It is important to clear cache everytime you make a change in the fcktemplates.xml file. I have installed webdeveloper tool in firefox for this purpose.
3) Make sure that the path for the fcktemplates.xml file is correct. You can check it at line 161 of the fckconfig.js file:
4)Take a print screen of your html template and paste the image in the following folder: fckeditor/editor/dialog/fck_template/images.
Make sure that the name of your image is the same as in the fcktemplates.xml file.
All you have to do now is just click the 'Template' button in FCKEditor and choose the template you want!
Create your custom html newsletter
If you want to create your custom html template you can read this post about how to code single column html newsletter.
***It is supposed that you have already coded your html newsletter! If not, you can read this post about how to code single column html newsletter!
1) First of all you have to check that the"template" button of FCKEditor is enabled. If it's not, you can config the FCKeditor toolbar in the lists/admin/fckphplist.php file. Just search for this piece of code:
FCKConfig.ToolbarSets["Default"] = [ ['Source','DocProps','-','NewPage','Preview'], ['Cut','Copy','Paste','PasteText','PasteWord','-','Print','SpellCheck'], ['Undo','Redo','-','Find','Replace','-','SelectAll','RemoveFormat','Link','Unlink','Anchor'], ['Bold','Italic','Underline','StrikeThrough','-','Subscript','Superscript'], ['OrderedList','UnorderedList','-','Outdent','Indent'], ['JustifyLeft','JustifyCenter','JustifyRight','JustifyFull'], ['Image','Flash','Table','Rule','Smiley','SpecialChar', 'TextColor','BGColor'], '/', ['Style','FontFormat','FontName','FontSize'], ['About'] ] ;
and insert the 'Templates', wherever you want. Usually, I paste it next to 'Preview'. You will find the above piece of code in 2 places, so repeat this step twice.
2) Open the fcktemplates.xml file under the fckeditor folder and copy there your html code for the template you created. In another post I will point out some important things you have to take into consideration when creating an html template.
It is not difficult to understand the structure of the fcktemplates.xml file.
It is important to clear cache everytime you make a change in the fcktemplates.xml file. I have installed webdeveloper tool in firefox for this purpose.
3) Make sure that the path for the fcktemplates.xml file is correct. You can check it at line 161 of the fckconfig.js file:
FCKConfig.TemplatesXmlPath = FCKConfig.EditorPath + 'fcktemplates.xml'
4)Take a print screen of your html template and paste the image in the following folder: fckeditor/editor/dialog/fck_template/images.
Make sure that the name of your image is the same as in the fcktemplates.xml file.
All you have to do now is just click the 'Template' button in FCKEditor and choose the template you want!
Create your custom html newsletter
If you want to create your custom html template you can read this post about how to code single column html newsletter.
phplist greek encoding problem verion 2.10.12
I installed phplist version 2.10.12 for a newsletter application, but I had some problems with the greek characters. This post may concern not only the greek language, but any other language with utf-8 encoding as well.
Phplist, (for those who have never heard something about it), is a popular open source email campaign manager that is easy to install and intergrate with any website. There is a lot of documentation about it at the following address
As far as the greek encoding problem is concerned, I give you 2 links that helped me clear things out.
Here is what made the trick for me:
Configuration page:
After you login to admin, on main page in section "Configuration functions" click configure and change the following:
- Charset for HTML messages: UTF-8
- Charset for Text messages: UTF-8
- $language_module = ""; ***
- define("HTMLEMAIL_ENCODING","quoted-printable");
- define("TEXTEMAIL_ENCODING",'7bit');
***In you have to do some changes. Find lists/texts/ and change this:
$strCharSet = 'utf-8';
When you save the txt file, you have to choose encoding utf-8.
database encoding
- the database (individual tables + any text columns) should be set to UTF-8
- the PHP-MySQL connection should be set to UTF-8, since it will otherwise default to latin1
You can collect additional server related info by using the following query in phpMyAdmin: SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'character_set_%'
character_set_client utf8
character_set_connection utf8
character_set_database utf8
character_set_results utf8
character_set_server latin1
character_set_system utf8
Til this point I had the following:
-The body of the message was fine both at email and admin system of phplist too.
-The subject was not greek neither at the email nor at the admin page.
So I made a change at the following page of phplist:
- the HTML page's Content-Type should be set to UTF-8 (I hardcoded utf-8)
After this change the subject of the message was greek at the email, but not at the admin system. What solved the problem was changing the charset to utf-8 at admin/phpmailer/class.phplistmailer.php
I hope I helped someone else with this post!
You may also check this post about phplist version 2.10.13.
Phplist, (for those who have never heard something about it), is a popular open source email campaign manager that is easy to install and intergrate with any website. There is a lot of documentation about it at the following address
As far as the greek encoding problem is concerned, I give you 2 links that helped me clear things out.
Here is what made the trick for me:
Configuration page:
After you login to admin, on main page in section "Configuration functions" click configure and change the following:
- Charset for HTML messages: UTF-8
- Charset for Text messages: UTF-8
- $language_module = ""; ***
- define("HTMLEMAIL_ENCODING","quoted-printable");
- define("TEXTEMAIL_ENCODING",'7bit');
***In you have to do some changes. Find lists/texts/ and change this:
$strCharSet = 'utf-8';
When you save the txt file, you have to choose encoding utf-8.
database encoding
- the database (individual tables + any text columns) should be set to UTF-8
- the PHP-MySQL connection should be set to UTF-8, since it will otherwise default to latin1
You can collect additional server related info by using the following query in phpMyAdmin: SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'character_set_%'
character_set_client utf8
character_set_connection utf8
character_set_database utf8
character_set_results utf8
character_set_server latin1
character_set_system utf8
Til this point I had the following:
-The body of the message was fine both at email and admin system of phplist too.
-The subject was not greek neither at the email nor at the admin page.
So I made a change at the following page of phplist:
- the HTML page's Content-Type should be set to UTF-8 (I hardcoded utf-8)
After this change the subject of the message was greek at the email, but not at the admin system. What solved the problem was changing the charset to utf-8 at admin/phpmailer/class.phplistmailer.php
I hope I helped someone else with this post!
You may also check this post about phplist version 2.10.13.
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